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Open Source Projects


Sławomir Cichy, the owner of the company, as an administrator and programmer, has implemented several projects and in each of them he lacked something, some functionality that would support his work. That is why he created a number of libraries that he uses in his projects. The Sci Software company took over this honorable activity. Below is a shortened list of projects that he stores in the GitHub source code repository. Maybe they will be useful to someone, or serve as examples of ready-made solutions.


Most projects, unless specifically noted in the project description, are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 :

Copyright © 2014, Sci Softawre Sławomir Cichy.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Certification Center

Project nameAcronymStatusLatest versionCode inspection
Certification CenterCertCenterACTIVE1.0.0n/a

SSL certificate management center based on OpenSSL software and bash scripts. A collection of scripts supports the administrator's work related to generating and maintaining records of self-signed certificates. A useful tool when we want to effectively, cost-free, manage SSL certificates of our internal infrastructure.

SC Common

Project nameAcronymStatusLatest versionCode inspection
SC Common LibrariesSCCommonACTIVE1.0.7certificatecertificate

SC = Sławomir Cichy. Every software developer, during their professional career, develops solutions that make it easier for them to create larger projects. Similar to the Apache Commons library series, it was created a set of libraries that we use in ours projects, both Open Source and commercial. The SCCommon project is a set of support libraries, which include:

  • sccommon-cache - the library has a universal API for handling cache memory. Since we use Ehcache most often, the library contains an implementation that supports this engine. At some point, the Hibernate project stopped supporting the Ehcache implementation as a cache engine. Our' implementation allows for continued to use of the Hibernate+Ehcache tandem using newer versions of Hibernate.

  • sccommon-eclipse-emf-api - a helper library containing the API org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emf.utilities.EncoderDecoder.class. A library used to compile projects that use this API to create their own encryption solutions, e.g. to encrypt data stored in configuration files.

  • sccommon-http-client - a library supporting HTTP/HTTPS communications.

  • sccommon-ldap - a library supporting communication, searching and managing entries in the LDAP user repository.

  • sccommon-mail - a library supporting mechanisms for sending, receiving and processing e-mail messages.

  • sccommon-utils - a utility library based on my previous projects: schelper and scjdbc4jpa (scjdbc4jpa - an attempt to build a framework responsible for communication with a relational database, similar to Hibernate, JPA support. Currently, the project has been abandoned, and the components built so far have been used in other solutions, mainly for implementing unit tests). Some of the functionality can be replaced by more popular solutions such as those offered by Apache Commons projects, which I do very often, but the experience we gained while writing it is very large. It includes support for character strings such as conversions from UTF-8 to ASCII, "Polish style" i.e. without Polish tails, methods for sorting lists with strings, trimming and padding operations for strings (popular methods ltrim, rtrim, lrtrim, lpad, rpad). We will also find examples of using annotation and many others.

HgDB Client Open

Project nameAcronymStatusLatest versionCode inspection
HgDB Client Openhgdb-client-openACTIVE3.1.1-SNAPSHOTn/a

An open-source Java client implementation project for Mercury DB (HgDB) 3.0.


The project has a different licensing. It is an Open Source project, but it can be used only and exclusively for the purpose of implementing the HgDB communication project. The license is based on the BSD 3-Clause License. See HgDB Client License 1.0.

HgDB Grafana Datasource

Project nameAcronymStatusLatest versionCode inspection
MercuryDB (HgDB) 3.0 Data Sourcesci-software-hgdb-datasourceACTIVE1.0.0certificate

Open data source project for Grafana software . The goal is to create a plugin that allows communication with Mercury DB (HgDB) 3.0.


The project has a different licensing. It is an Open Source project, but it can be used only and exclusively for the purpose of implementing the HgDB communication project. The license is based on the BSD 3-Clause License. See HgDB Client License 1.0.


Project nameAcronymStatusLatest versionCode inspection
CCRTO Open APIccrto-openapiACTIVE1.2-SNAPSHOTn/a

Context and Case Request Transportable Objects Open API - Java library implementing a communication standard developed for the integration of IT systems. The standard was developed based on solutions developed in Open API. Currently, this standard is used in communication between Mercury DB (HgDB) 3.0 components server implementation and Iron - POI Excel Server services.

  • TODO: Prepare a CCRTO space documenting/describing the communication standard.
  • TODO: Implementation of CCRTO as a generic protocol for accessing Mercury DB (HgDB) 3.0 services.

DB2 ODBC Config Reader

Project nameAcronymStatusLatest versionCode inspection
DB2 ODBC Config Readerdb2odbcconfigreaderACTIVE1.0.3-SNAPSHOTn/a

A library containing mechanisms for reading ODBC configurations for IBM DB2 databases and the ability to establish JDBC connections based on the data obtained in this way.